There's No Debate…

I haven’t been doing much blogging or fishing lately, but I did watch the large majority of the first Presidential Debate on Wednesday night.

“Blah, blah, blah….”
I don’t really talk politics here much, and I’m not really going to today.  People tend to freak out when you do (but please feel free in the comments at the end of this post).  As you probably know, the consensus is that Mitt Romney came off better on TV, but a lot of what of what he said might be classified as fiction.  Oh, and President Obama missed the mark by not bringing up the 47%.  Whatever.
I do know that there’s one thing that is not up for debate.  Mitt Romney’s hair is show-stopping glorious.  So amazing…everybody wants to be a Romney boy.
Neither photos used to make this lameass Photoshop are mine.  Although I wish the hair was.

17 thoughts on “There's No Debate…

  1. I'll bring up the 47 percent. It's the truth. And all you have to counter with is his hair? Get a real job. Now where's that unsubscribe button…..

  2. Okay…? Did you mistake this as a pro-Romney post? The only thing this post does is admire his hair, something both Republicans and Democrats should be able to step across party lines and agree is magnificent.

  3. Not to get political, but the problems in this country right now go deeper than either party. This country is extremely divided right now. I think your humor is great.

  4. Mike thanks for bringing a little insanity to the insanity. Anonymous, I hope you are not speaking tongue in cheek because you're going to bite your tongue off.

  5. Mike,love the post. Heard it all in the past two days (even the thinking that it was Denver's altitude that causes the President to not do well). I have not heard any talk about Romney's hair though. Good eye!

  6. Given the “unsubscriber anonymous's” defense of Romney's 47 percent comment, he obviously mistook this as a pro-Obama post. Partisan politics.. smh

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