Painting Through Prosek

I’ve always been a fan of +David Nash‘s blog, My Leaky Waders.

It’s one of those places where the posting isn’t necessarily all that frequent, but when it is, it’s usually worth looking at.  Whether it’s the concise writing, the great photography, the underrated videography, or the blackmail he has on me, I always find myself clicking through whenever I notice that a new post has been added to the site.

Recently, I’ve really been enjoying his series of paintings which he calls “Painting Through Prosek“…which consist of small studies of variant coloration in fish, taking inspiration from the works of well-known artist James Prosek.

In any event, just like I mentioned in my lead in, they’re worth following, be it on his blog, or via Instagram, where the hashtag #paintingthroughprosek is used to call out the latest installment.

Enjoy some of the examples below…

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