Wednesday Nibbles – Professional Russian Edition

Wednesday Nibbles time again?  Man, I guess so…  Feels like only yesterday I was writing last week’s slop.  I need a new bit…

First off, only 6 entries in the Tie-Fast Combo Tool giveaway?  Oh, sorry…I guess all of you that haven’t entered yet must hate America or something – clippers made in the USA just aren’t good enough for you.  Communists!  I know you’re out there reading…lurking… That damn OBN must be spoiling you all with their armfuls of swag…

Have you voted in WFN’s “Ultimate Fishing Town USA” contest.  It’s spokesman is Mike Schmidt…no, not that Mike Schmidt, this Mike Schmidt, which makes very little sense.  Anyway, the town of Roscoe, NY is in the lead after launching an aggressive Twitter campaign that scored them almost 2200 votes to date.  I just think it’s funny Denver only has 5 votes. They’re probably smoking too much Acapulco Gold to take notice. Check it out and vote wisely…somebody wins something…I’m not sure…I’m just mildly amused by contests.

Michael Jack Schmidt wants you!

Since you’re all Communists, has anyone seen this character FPSRussia on YouTube?  I stumbled across his work as the masterpiece below came up as a “Channel I Might Like” on my YouTube homepage.  Basically, this dude just loads his shotguns with all kinds of medieval shrapnel & blows stuff up…and gets a bajillion views on his videos while doing it.  This particular video got over 2 million views in only 2 days.  And he evidently doesn’t like mannequins with fishing rods.

Two words for you…John Muir.  Yeah, crunchy people love that old, dead coot of Yosemite & Sierra Club fame.  Actually, I think he was pretty rad myself, I could just never live the way he did.  I mean no HD TV or BBQ Fritos.  That dude missed out.

That said, the Sierra Club is having a “Fear Muir’s Beard” t-shirt design contest. The finalists have been picked and now it’s up for vote.  Some funny-cool designs on display, no doubt.  (I have a special place for JM tees, as I ghetto-designed my own HERE after watching Ken Burns’ National Parks a few years back and I’ve been quietly donating all the proceeds – which is a few bucks per – to the U.S. National Park Foundation.)  But I digress…check out the Sierra Club’s contest and vote, I think I prefer Adam Kapp’s entry.

I don’t even mind that it’s S.F. Giants-ish

Ok…fishing.  Sort of.  It’s a water story, and well…it all runs downstream.  A team of four Duke scientists (likely led by Coach K) have concluded a study that “linked natural gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing with a pattern of drinking water contamination so severe that some faucets can be lit on fire.”  The full article is HERE.  See conspiracy theorists…that footage from Gasland wasn’t staged after all.  If you think fracking is lame as I do, another great resource is the Fishermen Against Fracking Facebook page, give it a look.

Time for the blog love.  This week’s recipient is McTage over at Fly-Carpin.  I’ve never intentionally caught a carp on a fly rod.  I really hope to change that this summer, so I will be using this blog as one of my key resources.  Other than fishing a switch rod, is anything more in vogue these days?  I mean not only does this dude catch big ugly carp, but he also ties a mean fly.  So everyone check out his blog, okay?  Good.

Viva la carp!

And hey, McTage, if you’re out there reading this…do me a favor & recommend a carp rod for me (& FR too) in the comments.  I don’t think any of my fairy wands tenkara rods or 3-weights are going to work.

8 thoughts on “Wednesday Nibbles – Professional Russian Edition

  1. That crazy Russian video made my day. Dude shooting crazy rounds from a shotgun….May is Turkey season… coincidence? I think not. (I especially like the arrow.)

  2. Wow some crazy videos there! We need to get you on some Carp this Summer Troutrageous…nice blog blurb on Fly Carpin, he knows his stuff for sure.

  3. Wow, thanks Troutrageous! The right rod discussion can get overly complicated but if you are looking for what the most popular all-round choice (sorta like a 9' 5 weight for trout) it would probably be a 9' 7 weight. You need to be able to be accurate and protect light tippet on big fish so it is probably a good idea to avoid super-fast saltwater tapers. I mostly use a 10 year old 9' 8 weight St. Croix Avid because I am cheap and that is what I happen to have in the ballpark. Works just fine.

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